message from Dick Sobsey

A message from Canada, Dick Sobsey, Abuse researcher, Director, John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre

Dear Richard,

As an American living in Canada, I like to be proud of the country of my birth. I miss the green hills and shimmering lakes of Connecticut that I once called home. As someone who has spent most of my life seeking justice for vulnerable people, it is hard to feel proud when what seems like an obvious injustice is being done.

Richard, I have not met you, but I would like to. Do not give up hope. Sometimes. truth and justice take a long time to arrive. Maybe I can come back to those rolling green hills of Connecticut one day and meet you as a free man, when people come to understand how justice failed you. Many people care about you and believe in you. I would love to help celebrate your freedom with all of them.

Dick Sobsey, Director
John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre
5-16 University Terrace
University of Alberta
Edmonton. AB T6G 2T4
[email protected]

Submitted July 2008